Page 46 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 46

3   Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               Tai Po Kau Outline Zoning Plan

               Tai Po Kau is surrounded by the Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, which is designated as a Special Area
               comprising long established forestry plantation.  The planning intention of the area is to protect its

               high conservation and landscape value which complements the overall naturalness and the landscape
               beauty of the surrounding Special Area.

               The draft Tai Po Kau OZP No. S/NE-TPK/1 was exhibited for public inspection under section 5 of
               the Ordinance on 10 February 2017.  After giving consideration to the 43 representations and two

               comments, the Board on 1 September 2017 decided not to propose any amendment to the draft OZP.
               The draft OZP was approved by the CE in C on 9 January 2018 and renumbered as S/NE-TPK/2.

               Approved Tai Po Kau OZP No. S/NE-TPK/2

               Cheung Sheung Outline Zoning Plan

               Cheung Sheung forms an integral part of the natural system of the adjoining Sai Kung West Country
               Park with various natural habitats such as woodlands, streams and freshwater marshes.  The planning
               intention of the area is to protect its high conservation and landscape value which complements the

               overall naturalness and the landscape beauty of the surrounding Country Park.  It is also intended to
               consolidate village development so as to avoid undesirable disturbances to the natural environment
               and overtaxing the limited infrastructure in the area.

    44         TOWN PLANNING BOARD REPORT  2018-2020
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