Page 47 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 47

The draft Cheung Sheung OZP No. S/NE-CS/1 was exhibited for public inspection under section 5

               of the Ordinance on 10 February 2017.  After giving consideration to the six representations, the
               Board on 21 July 2017 decided not to propose any amendment to the draft OZP.  The draft OZP was
               approved by the CE in C on 9 January 2018 and renumbered as S/NE-CS/2.

               Approved Cheung Sheung OZP No. S/NE-CS/2

               Hoi Ha, So Lo Pun and Pak Lap Outline Zoning Plans

               Hoi Ha, So Lo Pun and Pak Lap enclaves have been covered by OZPs since 27 September 2013, with

               a general planning intention to conserve the natural landscape and conservation value, protect the
               natural and rural character and delineate areas to consolidate Small House development by indigenous
               villagers for a more orderly development pattern, efficient use of land and provision of infrastructures
               and services.

               On 18 February 2015, a judicial review (JR) was lodged against the Board’s decision to submit the
               three draft OZPs to the CE in C for approval and the CE in C’s decision to approve the OZPs.  The JR
               was allowed by the Court on 24 November 2017 and the three OZPs were remitted to the Board for
               reconsideration specifically on issues related to the genuine need for Small House development (all
               three OZPs) and the accuracy of the base map (Hoi Ha OZP only).  The Board on 3 March 2020 gave
               consideration to a review on the genuine need and the map issues in the light of the judgment and
               decided to amend the OZPs by adjusting the extent of the “V” zone so as to further enhance the

               balance between nature conservation and meeting the Small House need of the indigenous villagers.

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