Page 50 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 50

3   Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               The general planning intention of the four DPA Plans is to conserve its landscape and ecological values

               in safeguarding the natural habitats, to protect the ecologically sensitive areas, to maintain the unique
               rural and natural character and cultural heritage of the area.

               The draft Sham Wat and San Shek Wan DPA Plan covers an area of about 179.59 ha, including two
               small pieces of land to the west of San Chau along the coastline.  Except for the San Chau Site of

               Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (about 6.52 ha) being zoned “SSSI”, the remaining area of about
               173.07 ha is designated as “Unspecified Use” pending detailed analysis and studies to establish the
               appropriate land uses in the course of preparation of the OZP.

                               Sham Wat and San Shek Wan DPA

               The draft Sha Lo Wan and San Tau DPA Plan covers an area of about 155.92 ha which is located to
               the west of Tung Chung town centre.  Except for the San Tau Beach SSSI (about 1.14 ha) being zoned
               “SSSI”, the remaining area of about 154.78 ha is designated as “Unspecified Use”.

                         Sha Lo Wan and San Tau DPA

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