Page 52 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 52

3   Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               Urban Renewal and Heritage Preservation

               Incorporation of URA Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street Development Scheme Plan
               into Outline Zoning Plan

               As announced in the 2018 Policy Address, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) carried out a study
               with  a  view  to  revitalisi  ng  the  building  clusters  with  special character  and urban  fabric under the
               Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street project so as to promote place-making and synergise with the nearby
               revitalisation projects.  On 19 July 2019, the Board considered the revitalisation proposal submitted
               by URA and agreed to incorporate the Development Scheme Plan (DSP) area into the OZP under

               appropriate zonings to maintain planning control whilst allowing flexibility for revitalisation of the area
               by both URA and the owners of other properties within the DSP and the Wing Lee Street area.  The DSP
               area was mainly designated as “OU” annotated “Cultural, Community, Commercial and Open Space
               Uses” and “OU” annotated “Residential, Institutional and Commercial Uses” zones with stipulation of
               a maximum building height restriction of 4 storeys to facilitate the development of a community hub
               and revitalise the area for residential, institutional and community uses.  On 9 August 2019, the draft
               Sai Ying Pun and Sheung Wan OZP No. S/H3/33, incorporating the amendments amongst others, was
               exhibited for public inspection under section 7 of the Ordinance.

               After giving consideration to the 57 representations and 25 comments on 17 July 2020, the Board
               decided not to uphold the representations.  The draft OZP was approved by the CE in C on 3 November
               2020 and renumbered as S/H3/34.

                                                        Staunton Street/Shing Wong Street and Wa In Fong

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