Page 54 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 54

3   Other Major Work of 2018-2020

               Draft URA Queen’s Road West/In Ku Lane Development Scheme Plan

               The Board considered the URA’s  Queen’s Road West/In Ku Lane DSP on 24 August 2018 for the
               development of a residential tower providing about 189 flats over a commercial podium with shops,

               an elderly centre, a residential clubhouse and a basement car park and reprovisioning of a government
               refuse collection point cum public toilet within the site.  The affected 5-a-side soccer pitch within the
               site and the adjoining basketball court and sitting out area will be reprovided through rationalising the
               land use and layout.  The Board agreed to deem the draft DSP as suitable for publication.

               On 21 September 2018, the draft URA Queen’s Road West/In Ku Lane DSP No. S/H3/URA3/1 was
               exhibited for public inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance.  After giving consideration to the
               13 representations and three comments on 29 March 2019, the Board decided not to uphold the
               representations.  The draft DSP was approved by the CE in C on 9 July 2019 and renumbered as S/H3/

               URA Queen’s Road West/In Ku Lane DSP
                                                     Tenement buildings at Queen’s Road West

               Draft URA Kai Tak Road/Sa Po Road Development Scheme Plan

               The Board considered the URA’s Kai Tak Road/Sa Po Road DSP on 14 June 2019 for the development
               of three residential towers providing about 810 flats over a podium with a podium garden, retail shops,
               GIC facilities and a residential clubhouse.  A sunken plaza with connection to pedestrian facilities
               leading to the Kai Tak Development and a basement public vehicle park were proposed within the
               development.  The Board agreed to deem the draft DSP as suitable for publication.

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