Page 58 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 58

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

Land Use Review of the “Recreation” Zone                                                                   RNTPC of the Board requested PlanD to carry out a land
in Hang Tau Tai Po, Kwu Tung South                                                                         use review of the whole “REC” zone. The land use review
                                                                                                           was agreed by RNTPC on 23 May 2014. According to
The “REC” zone in Hang Tau Tai Po on the Kwu Tung                                                          the land use review, it was proposed that the “REC” zone
South OZP No. S/NE-KTS/14 covers a total area of about                                                     should be rezoned mainly to low-density and low-rise
8.47 ha. The north-eastern portion of the “REC” zone                                                       residential developments. The proposed amendment to
(about 1.77 ha) was the subject of an approved application                                                 the Kwu Tung South OZP upon finalization of the land
for amendment to OZP (No. Y/NE-KTS/5) from “REC”                                                           use proposals would be submitted to the Board for
to “CDA” for a proposed residential development. In                                                        consideration.
approving the application on 7 December 2012, the

                                                                     “Recreation” zone in Hang Tau Tai Po
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