Page 59 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 59
Land Use Review of Kam Tin South and Pat flats (including about 16,900 public housing units) for a
Heung population of about 92,800. These potential housing sites
would be implemented by phases taking into account the
It was announced in the 2013 Policy Address that the infrastructural constraints.
Government would take forward the planning for residential
development at the West Rail Kam Sheung Road Station The land use review was presented to the Board on 11
and Pat Heung Maintenance Centre sites to provide about April 2014. Members provided views on various issues
8,700 flats. In addition, studies would be conducted for including the development intensity of the area; the
the adjoining areas to identify land for public and private employment opportunities to be generated from the
housing developments. proposed development; the interface issue of the high-
density development and the existing villages; and the
In March 2014, PlanD completed a comprehensive land possibility of increasing facilities for the elderly. The
use review for Kam Tin South and Pat Heung area. A proposed amendment to the Kam Tin South OZP based
total of 14 potential sites had been identified for public on the findings of the land use review would be submitted
and private housing developments. These potential to the Board for consideration.
development sites would provide a total of about 33,700
Proposed Land Use Framework