Page 61 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 61

The URP for KC consists of three major components,            rehabilitation/revitalization versus redevelopment,
namely the Planning Study, the Social Impact Assessment       preservation of local culture, provision of supporting
and the Public Engagement. The objectives of the URP          infrastructure and facilities, etc.
are to ascertain the area suitable for redevelopment and
rehabilitation, and to recommend on preservation and          The Stage 2 Public Engagement was conducted from
revitalisation initiatives. For the purpose of formulating    May to June 2013 to solicit public views on the draft URP.
a community-based URP, a 2-stage Public Engagement            The Board was consulted on the draft URP on 31 May
Programme was undertaken in 2012 and 2013. The Stage          2013 and Members provided views on different aspects
1 Public Engagement was held from August to September         including the study approach, methodology of Public
2012 to identify potential affected stakeholders and solicit  Engagement and the planning and redevelopment of
public views on the Preliminary Urban Renewal Proposals       specific areas.
                                                              The URP for KC was submitted to the Government in
The Board was consulted on the PURPs on 31 August             January 2014. The term of the KC DURF ended in May
2012 and provided views on various aspects including          2014.

「十三街」                                                         環字八街
“13 streets”                                                  Eight “Wan” Streets

獅子石道                                                          九龍城擴闊海濱長廊建議
Lion Rock Road                                                Proposed Waterfront Promenade Widening in Kowloon City

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