Page 62 - Town Planning Board Report 2012-2014
P. 62

3 其他主要工作
     Other Major Work

URA Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street                                                        On 21 September 2012, the Board considered the
Development Scheme                                                                         revised PB which had taken into account the exclusion
                                                                                           of Site A, the latest development proposal at Sites B
The URA Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street Development                                        and C, and reflected the latest planning consideration.
Scheme comprises three sites, i.e. Sites A, B and C                                        It agreed that the PB was suitable for consultation with
zoned “CDA” on the URA Staunton Street/Wing Lee                                            the Central & Western District Council (C&WDC). The
Street Development Scheme Plan (DSP) No. S/H3/URA1/2.                                      Board considered the results of C&WDC’s consultation
On 7 January 2011, the Board agreed that, with the                                         and endorsed the revised PB on 25 January 2013.
intention to preserve the existing character and ambience
of Wing Lee Street, Site A covering Wing Lee Street and                                    On 24 May 2013, the planning application (No. A/H3/413)
the Bridges Street Market should be excised from the                                       for the development of two residential blocks at Sites B
DSP. On 8 July 2011, the DSP, incorporating amendments                                     and C was approved with conditions by the Board. A
mainly to excise Site A from the DSP, was exhibited under                                  total of 154 flats with commercial/retail uses at lower/
section 5 of the Ordinance. The DSP was subsequently                                       ground floors and not less than 474m2 public open space
approved by CE in C on 8 May 2012.                                                         (POS) will be provided.

                                               市建局士丹頓街 /永利街發展計劃
                                                  The URA Staunton Street/Wing Lee Street
                                                  Development Scheme

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