Page 38 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 38

2   Highlights of 2018-2020

               Transitional Housing

               To meet the need for interim accommodation, the Board announced on 26 November 2018 that
               transitional housing coordinated by the Task Force led by the Transport and Housing Bureau in
               permanent buildings, including wholesale-converted industrial buildings in “Commercial” (“C”),
               “CDA”, “OU” annotated “Business” (“OU(B)”) and “Residential” zones in urban and new town areas
               for a period of five years or less could be regarded as temporary use, which is always permitted under
               the OZP.  For transitional housing of not more than three years in rural areas, planning permission is
               required unless the use is permitted under the Notes of the relevant zones on the OZP.  During the

               report period, the Board approved two applications for transitional housing in Kam Tin and Tung Tau,
               providing about 3,800 flats.

               Site in Kam Tin                          Conceptual layout plan (Indicative Only)

               Site in Tung Tau                         Conceptual layout plan (Indicative Only)

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