Page 39 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 39

Provision of Office/Commercial Space and Other Facilities

               Sai Yee Street Site

               PlanD commissioned the ‘Planning and Design Study on the Redevelopment of Government Sites
               at Sai Yee Street and Mong Kok East Station (SYS site) – Feasibility Study’ in March 2015 with the
               objective to examine the development potential of the SYS site for comprehensive development.  The
               Board was briefed on the development options in April 2016 and the Recommended Development
               Scheme (RDS) in February 2018.  To take forward the RDS, the Board agreed on 22 June 2018 to
               rezone the SYS site to “C(4)” to facilitate comprehensive commercial/office/hotel development with
               GIC facilities, public open space and public transport facilities, which is subject to a maximum gross
               floor area (GFA) of 141,600m  and a maximum building height of 320mPD and 40mPD for the
               central/southern and northern portion respectively.  A minimum of 6,550m  public open space and
               a minimum GFA of 4,940m  for GIC facilities including a community hall and social welfare facilities
               should be provided to serve the community.  The draft Mong Kok OZP No. S/K3/31, incorporating the
               amendments amongst others, were exhibited for public inspection under section 5 of the Ordinance
               on 13 July 2018.

                     Sai Yee Street Site

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