Page 42 - TPB Report 2018-20_EN
P. 42

2   Highlights of 2018-2020

               Cyberport Expansion

               In view of the anticipated growth of the innovation and technology sector, additional space and
               facilities are required in a timely manner to meet the demand.  Area adjoining the existing Cyperport
               was identified for its expansion which would serve to attract more quality technology companies and
               start-ups to set up their offices.  The Board on 6 September 2019 agreed to rezone the site adjoining
               the Cyberport Arcade to “OU” annotated “Cyber-Port (1)” for the development of Cyberport 5 with a
               maximum GFA of 66,000m  and a maximum building height of 65mPD, and rezone an area of about
               4.5 ha to “O” for enhancement of the Cyberport waterfront park.  The draft Pok Fu Lam OZP No. S/
               H10/18, incorporating the amendments amongst others, was exhibited for public inspection under
               section 5 of the Ordinance on 27 September 2019.

               After giving consideration to the 780 representations and 32 comments, the Board on 5 June 2020
               decided to partially uphold some representations by revising the Remarks of the Notes for the “OU”

               annotated “Cyber-Port (1)” zone to incorporate the requirement for submission of a layout plan.
               The proposed amendment to the draft OZP was published under section 6C(2) of the Ordinance on
               26 June 2020.  After giving consideration to the 15 further representations on 25 September 2020,
               the Board decided not to uphold the further representations and agreed to amend the draft OZP
               by the proposed amendment.  The draft OZP was approved by the CE in C on 5 January 2021 and
               renumbered as S/H10/9.

                                Site rezoned to "OU" and "O"

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